The architectural orchestration of communal and data convergence within atmospheric contexts.
Gathering What/ Who?
Protocols for gathering can mean many things. Gathering things, gathering data from a satellite, gathering traces of a faraway war from the soil after rain, gathering manifestations of atmospheric occupations. Gathering and documenting, gathering and preserving. Gathering people, gathering together. Gathering in the middle of an empty riverbed in Crete, gathering on the rooftops of Beirut, gathering in the streets of London. Gathering materially and affectively, literally and symbolically, in intentionality and in coincidence.
Gathering How?
Gathering in an atmosphere or gathering fragments of an atmosphere can take many forms. To be in solidarity, to want to occupy a space, all these require action. Protocols for gathering are possibly the most communal of the protocols, focused around collective action and interaction. This is why they are laid out in somewhat ambiguous guidelines, leaving space for creation, interpretation, and expansion.